The “Belt and Road” international skills exchange event came to Thailand

From May 20 to 21, the “Belt and Road” International Skills Exchange was held at the Chiao Tung University of Management in Thailand. In order to ensure that the second “Belt and Road” International Skills Competition will be an event with international influence, Sino-German Dolang, as the deputy director unit of Chongqing “Belt and Road” International Skills Research Institute and the implementation unit of the “Belt and Road” International Skills Exchange, worked closely with the Thai Ministry of Labor to assist in organizing a series of skills exchange activities.

The event aims to share the outstanding achievements of China’s vocational skills development with the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and provide skills training for Thai contestants and experts in the 2nd Belt and Road International Skills Competition. During the event, Sino-German Dolang had in-depth dialogue and interaction with the Thai side around the electrical installation competition, and through practical operations and experience sharing, every participant present felt the charm of Chinese skills.

Previously, Sino-German Dolang has carried out extensive cooperation with Thailand in many fields, and has conducted in-depth exchanges with famous universities such as Suranarat University of Technology and Khon Kaen University in Thailand, jointly promoting international cooperation in the field of vocational education. In terms of talent training, it has cooperated with the Ministry of Education of Thailand to jointly promote the construction of industrial robot teaching staff, and has trained a group of high-quality and high-skilled industrial robot talents for Thailand. In the next step, Sino-German Dolang will continue to uphold the concept of openness, cooperation and win-win, focus on the electrical installation competition of the second “Belt and Road” International Skills Competition, and combine the skill requirements of relevant countries to help relevant colleges and enterprises along the “Belt and Road” to carry out skill training, improve the level of participating countries and regions, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to deepening the skill cooperation and exchanges among countries along the “Belt and Road”.

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